Note from Pastor Lyle

Note from Pastor Lyle



            A pastor’s work includes a wide range of responsibilities—everything from preacher, teacher, and counselor to financial manager, administrator, and facilities caretaker.  In the day to day life of a church, it is easy for a pastor to get caught up with the details of the urgent and lose sight of the essential.

            For me, what is essential as a pastor is to point people to Jesus.  It is my burden and my passion to help people recognize that, as Christians, everything we do—everything, should be done in the name of Jesus Christ.  Whether it is handing out the Sabbath morning bulletin or handing out food to the hungry, we should be doing it to glorify our Savior.  Whether we are at our jobs or in our homes, all we do should still be done in the name of Jesus.

            To be a Christian is to live my whole life centered around Jesus—not just at church and not just on Sabbaths.  Everything must revolve around my relationship with Jesus.

            I believe my most important responsibility as your pastor is to constantly remind you of this challenge.  Then, as Jesus said, “I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.” (John 12:32)

            In the words of Ellen White, “When the love of Christ is enshrined in the heart, like sweet fragrance it cannot be hidden.  Its holy influence will be felt by all with whom we come in contact.” (Steps to Christ, p. 77)

            My prayer is that all of us will have such a vibrant relationship with Jesus that His love will permeate all we do.  Then, people will know that we are His disciples and be drawn to Him.